September 18th, 2018

Late summer colour in the garden xxxx

It was a really lovely day here on Sunday, and the sunlight was so gorgeous on the flowers I just had to take this picture. I spent the day finishing the little Witches for Halloween, with their pointy hair and beauty spots . This year I have not added jackets but Vintage netting and sparkle Autumn leaves to keep them warm.

dear little Charlotte with her friend Cecil xxxx

lots and love

Chris xxxx

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Comments (4)

julie cain - September 21st, 2018 9:37pm
wow love the new dolls Julie x

chris - September 21st, 2018 10:15pm
thank you julie, loved making the them xxxx

Ann Calman - September 25th, 2018 8:48pm
Just waiting to see your witches. Hope to add one to my granddaughters collection. When will they be available? Love your wonderful dolls.

chris - September 26th, 2018 5:10am
hi anne
i hope you are well, thank you so much for getting touch and your kind words, the girls are having their photos taken on thursday so hoping by friday or monday they will be up on site
lots of love
chris xxx


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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM