May 16th, 2024

When the excitement gets too much xx

The beautiful Lilac picture above was sent to me by one of my lovely customers, and I understand has the best fragrance, as I have never been able to grow one in my garden this was lovely to see xx Well the fairy dolls are here, we have Lavender, English Country gardens, pretty Pinafores, and Baking treats retro fabric xx

                                     Little Fleur with sun hat xx

                                    Miss Lavender with forget-me-not brooch xx
                                                                                                        thank you for popping in

                                                                                                               Lots of Love 
                                                                                                                      Chris xx

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Comments (3)

Linda - May 17th, 2024 2:42pm
The pinafore fairy dolls are absolutely gorgeous 🥰 xx

Shirley Steventon - May 17th, 2024 8:03pm
Loving the new dolls. Do you knit/ crochet all the hats yourself? They are exquisite Xx

Susan - May 19th, 2024 2:46pm
Great new dolls as always and some beautiful fabrics. My favourites are Miss Lavender and the Pinafore ladies. How I remember pinafore dresses!

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM