October 27th, 2017

We have added some little fairy dolls


We are working hard on the last little ladies for the website over here at Twig studio, Indian tales etc so the dining room has little ladies all dressed waiting in line to be finished, The fabrics are silk and embroidered really rich tones. We are heading to our craft fare at the end of November which is very exciting and really gets you in the holiday mood. My friend Sally is trying a ginger cake recipe in her new cake tins and I must say the samples are gorgeous. I am trying an advent fairy doll this year I think she will be great fun xx

                                                                                                                   lots of love to all

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Comments (1)

Valerie Jeffery - October 27th, 2017 3:41pm
How on earth have you managed to make so many lovely and intricate dolls, Chris, well done. Have you borrowed Santa's elves before they get too busy!

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM