April 27th, 2018

Tulips in abundance .........

I have tried new Tulips this year and wow !

it is really exciting when you plant these very strange bulbs, and with fingers crossed that they make it through the Winter, and when they do it is magical.I have been making a large supply of arms and bodies ready for the next collections with the girls below keeping me company (along with their very chatty friends). There is a large box of dolls waiting to be assembled and there is such anticipation of how they will finally look, I love that part.  We have also been looking at our packaging this week and have some new cards, stickers, and a new ribbon and tissue colour all very exciting.                 

                                                                                                                                                      Blossom                                                                Daphne

                                                                                                              have a good weekend
                                                                                                                           lots of love
                                                                                                                           Chris  xxxx
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Comments (1)

Jill Routledge - April 28th, 2018 11:31am
All looks lovely and beautiful tulips

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