August 12th, 2022
With such intense heat I have made the email and blog all white, I hope this helps xx The new girls are coming along, they will be here the first Friday in September, a little later than I thought xx The boys (cats) are looking for shandy places to hide and there are large bowls of water everywhere, so not far to travel for a drink xx
Jacqueline du Pré rose has the best scent xx
Decorate with crochet and lace, picture from September Country Living xx
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To keep cool in this heat, it is white everywhere xx
With such intense heat I have made the email and blog all white, I hope this helps xx The new girls are coming along, they will be here the first Friday in September, a little later than I thought xx The boys (cats) are looking for shandy places to hide and there are large bowls of water everywhere, so not far to travel for a drink xx
A tin horse and sparkling white Cosmos xx
Dear little Joan in cool white linen xx
Jacqueline du Pré rose has the best scent xx
Decorate with crochet and lace, picture from September Country Living xx
Lots of Love
Chris xx
Comments (2)
chris - August 12th, 2022 2:47pm
thank you, it is fab xx
thank you, it is fab xx
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I love the rose Chris, will definitely look out for one
for our new garden in Storrington.