October 18th, 2017

This week we have a had a few fairy departures

........ off to their new homes xxx

one little one went across the sea to the Isle of man. I finished the new Heirlooms and the Christmas collections last weekend and they are waiting for the lovely Andrew to pop over to take their photo's, so glitter and sparkle at the ready.
My new plant for Autumn colour is the hardy Chrysanthemum, they are so beautiful, I didn't know there was a difference,  I love these old fashioned flowers and the fragrance is very different from the ones you can buy. My Mum always says I don't know where you will put another plant but somehow you find space.

                                                                                               This me signing off for now
                                                                              have a great weekend wherever you may be 
                                                                                                         lots of love to all
                                                                                                             Chris  xxxx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM