August 4th, 2017

The week of arms and legs

...all cut out and now the stuffing can start

We have striped legs, legs with writing on them, sitting down legs and checked legs for a witch or two. My sister as you know is the chief leg and head stuffer and I do the bodies and the arms (no one wants to do the arms... so thin) ....  this is when the girls start to come to life.
I have just received some new fabric (yes more fabric) for my Ohh la la collection, all poodles and glam with lots of sparkle. 

                                                                                                        have a great weekend 
                                                                                                                   lots of love
                                                                                                                    Chris xxx

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Comments (2)

Valerie Jeffery - August 5th, 2017 1:10am
Oh lovely, Chris - signs of Christmas I See! Gingerbread Men, Christmas Puds, Candy Canes! I just love Christmas prints! Keep up the good work the season can never start too early there is so much one can do and it goes so quickly!

Bushra - August 21st, 2017 7:20am
I love the button knees! What a sweet touch. Looking forward to seeing them all finished up.

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM