October 5th, 2018

The Autumn colours are coming in all around us

What a lovely response to our new little Witches, thank you all so much, I work away in my sewing room and hope the ideas I have will work and, WOW thank you xxxx
So this week has been another arms and legs week we have them everywhere, and although the stuffing seems to take ages I know the dressing of these little fairy dolls is at the end and it is very exciting.......  We are in full Christmas swing now, everywhere has the colours of Christmas, and this morning bags of jingle bells arrived with the postman,he smiled and said this is noisy post today I could hear him at the gate.

Verity and Cassandra

                                                                                                           lots of love and colour
                                                                                                                        Chris xxxx

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Comments (5)

Valerie Jeffery - October 7th, 2018 1:19am
I bet your postman enjoys delivering your post, Chris - never knows what to expect! Does he join in at Christmas by wearing a santa hat!

julie cain - October 9th, 2018 1:20pm
looking forward to my Christmas doll I think I will put her on top of the Christmas tree and call her rose ,

chris - October 9th, 2018 1:39pm
Rose will be the perfect name for her and I think the tree will be perfect, they look lovely on the top of a tree and I send some Christmas string to hold her on if you need it xxxx

julie - October 9th, 2018 2:11pm
yes please some Christmas string will be great thanks chris xx

chris - October 9th, 2018 2:43pm
will do xxx

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