November 15th, 2018

Thank you Thank you !

I wanted to say a Huge THANK YOU to our lovely customers for the great response we have had xxxx

We are working away of here at Twig studio on the new brooches etc,. Yesterday I went to London to see the Frida Kahlo exhibition and the V & A museum, it was absolutely fantastic, and the colours, as well as her art she was very fond of her garden and there was a really lovely plan of it. Watch this space for a little nod to Frida coming up in the future (I may not be able to resist). We have a had such great fun this year with our Christmas collections and the brooches will have a little seasonal fun, I will be making more wire glasses and I may try a Santa .    

A beautiful shop front in London                                                                  Elizabeth

                                                                                                                      Lots of love

                                                                                                  and have a great weekend
                                                                                                                       Chris xxxx

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