July 31st, 2020

Phew !! a hot one here today

we are all wilting, the garden, cats and people xxx

The girls in cool yellow .... refreshing lemons and lemonade, lovely xx  This has been a busy week more knitting, most odd to be thinking of getting ahead with knitting scarves and very deep cosy colours .... So while the latest rover to go to Mars departed this week called Perseverance click here to see the launch  .... red was a very prominent colour xx

A warm Sunflower with nodding head xx                                                  Tin bee xx

Lorna with peach hair xx                                                                                     Gorgeous balls of cotton wool xx
                                                                                                                 Keep cool                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                 lots of love

                                                                                                                  Chris xxx

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Comments (2)

Susan Bell - July 31st, 2020 3:15pm
Gorgeous day too in Yorkshire. Bit of a breeze so bearable but flying ants everywhere. Good day for a barbecue. Like the sunflower. What's it called?.

Shirley - July 31st, 2020 4:22pm
Hi Chris.
We certainly are drooping after cycling to Blenheim Palace for a picnic. Here’s my recipe for a refreshing non alcoholic punch. Feel free to share.
1 litre apple juice, can or bottle Ginger beer, glass of pineapple juice, sliced lemon or any fruit to hand. Top up with lemonade or sparkling water and ice to taste. Enjoy. Have a lovely weekend. Shirley Xx💕🍹

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