July 23rd, 2020

Orange Orange everywhere ...

... when you realise just how much you love this colour, it is everywhere xx

There is even an Orange cat (well ginger) xx One of the new collections is going to be called "Tales of love from the Taj Mahal", yes using Orange embroidered silk, and "Belles of Ireland" new Heirlooms using Irish Linen, well if we can't travel we may as well dream xxx

A little glass flower no water needed !!  xx                                                First year ever growing Hollyhocks xx

Off we go xx                                                                                                               Bertie's favorite spot .. have not been able to plant for years x
                                                                                                                                            Echinacea 'Green Twister'

Monty very comfortable xx                                                                                ...... and here in the old bomb box where I grow Alliums xx

                                      Our prize will be drawn at the end of the month, all names in a hat for the beautiful painting                                                                               by Annemarie Stirling @originalwackywomanart
                                                                                                                         Lots of Love
                                                                                                                          Chris xxxx

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Comments (1)

Julia Wood - July 24th, 2020 7:32pm
As it happens orange is my favourite colour ! Like the sound of your new creations Chris - can't wait to see them xx

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