August 7th, 2020

No surely not, Friday again ?

.....and we have an announcement the winner of the original wacky woman art (Fun in the Sun ) picture xx

......the Chief elf picked out the lovely Julia Wood congrats ...xx

This week we have pictures of tea dying, a gorgeous rose, my Dad's favorite and a perfect summer pudding, I have been working on sparkle shoes with pom poms on the toes....  AND we have a little ad in the September Good Housekeeping xx

Elizabeth xx

Raspberry jelly ... only needs some lovely cream xx                               ...and the beautiful Dublin Bay rose xx

Tea dying in a bowl, musical note fabric for small angels, and blowing in wind on the make shift line xx


                                                                                                                             lots of love
                                                                                                                             Chris xxxx

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Comments (2)

Rosie - August 7th, 2020 4:12pm
Thank you for all the lovely e- mails lovely lovely photos 🌸

Julia Wood - August 9th, 2020 12:13am
Wow how wonderful thank you very much Chris, I don't usually win anything - better get s lottery ticket now !! Xx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM