September 6th, 2017

It has been a funny old week

weather not sure what it wants to do and the gardens are giving their last push of colour and beauty .........

.........we have Norma and Nancy here to share the blog ...these girls just love to help. I managed to find the plants below last weekend  these two were at the Unusual Plant and Garden Fair at Prairie Gardens, I have been looking for this plant (PERSICARIS blackfield) for a while and there they were, the leaves have such great Autumnal colour, I cant wait to get them in the garden.
Big news, one of my dear little skater fairy dolls has gone on a very long journey this week she has gone over to Abu Dhabi in the UAE, and has arrived very happily in her new home. (whew!! ) I always worry when they are traveling especially such a long way.

                                                                                 love to all, I am off to sew in Twig studio this weekend
                                                                                                                         lots of love
                                                                                                                           Chris xxx

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Comments (1)

Roz - September 8th, 2017 1:35pm
WOW! Abu Dhabi, that's impressive - worldwide travel for the girls is excellent news ...

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM