October 8th, 2020

Hubble bubble toil and trouble

Halloween brooches are here xx

Belles of Ireland skirt xx

This week we are rushing along to Halloween, I just love this time Pumpkins, Witches and Toffee apples, I have a tall wooden Witch who can't wait to come out into the garden. We have a small selection of brooches with colourful hair and earrings, would love to know what you think xx 

Here is dear little Neddy xx                                                                                please meet Cordelia xx

New fabric arrived this week, just love a Polka dot xx                        Time for a lovely cup of tea and a custard tart xxx
                                                                                                       Have a great weekend
                                                                                                                  lots of love
                                                                                                                    Chris  xxx
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Comments (3)

Julia - October 9th, 2020 11:45am
Bells of Ireland skirt - interested in seeing this created into a beauty ! Love the brooches Chris . Enjoy your well earned tea and cake X

Susan - October 9th, 2020 11:54am
Witches looking forward to a "Different" Halloween this year. Not quite so boisterous. Like the spotty material. Wonder who its for? Sx

Rosie - October 9th, 2020 12:08pm
Hi Chris, I couldn’t resist Margery and I am so looking forward to receiving her. We have a black cat called Jet and looks just like Neddy! Happy Halloween 🎃 when it comes around x

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