June 5th, 2019

Here we are in glorious June

the month I always think, is for the Rose and here is a very rare picture of dear little Norman xxx

We have made a start on the new collections Cottage Garden and City Life they are in complete contrast to each other and are great fun to do. I have some gorgeous fabric cottons and linens, and trims have started arriving for our very well dressed witches !!  Off to make some meringues for tea on Sunday going to a D Day afternoon tea with some lovely old friends ................

Roses roses everywhere, all I do is stop and stare ........ xxxxx

                                                                                                                 have a great weekend

                                                                                                                   lots of love and hugs

                                                                                                                              Chris xxxx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM