July 25th, 2018

Farewell old scratching post

Monty and his brothers are 6 next month and so was his favorite scratching post .........

.... it needed to go......... I could no longer patch it, tie it up with bits of string and any other way I found to keep it together, the pom pom and elastic had long gone and even the piece on the top had holes in it. So it was out with old and in with the new, below is the new post with old fish to remind him of days gone by and in 2 seconds he was in love with his new post.

Last weekend our new fairy dolls started to come together, I hope you are going to like the new collections, sparkle petticoats are made as are fabric wings, there is a mixture of sitting fairies and fairies to hang on the wall or a peg, all very exciting.

testing circus hats, what do you think ?                                                       A very warm Norman in the shade under an umbrella xx

                                                                                                            happy weekend to all

                                                                                                                       lots of love

                                                                                                                        Chris xxxx
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Comments (2)

cain - July 28th, 2018 9:59pm
hi chis I like the new cat post ibet the new dolls are looking good cain

juile cain - July 31st, 2018 1:29pm
hi chis the hats are fun I like them juile xx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM