September 8th, 2016

Countdown to the Wedding Fair

It is all excitement ..........

The fairy house is buzzing and will be this weekend as we get ready for our Fair at the The Maltings Farnham on Sunday the 18th September, we have tried out our stand, who knew there would so many ways and shapes for a 6FT table, but there are .....late on Monday night we all agreed and were very pleased with how it looks. The girls have been dressed in the most lavish vintage and new fabrics, velvet flowers,lace and jewels .....

gold and silver trimmings and of course tea

vintage velvet flowers and buttons

and lots of luscious fabrics , the fairies would love to see you if you have the time xxxx
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Comments (3)

jill - September 9th, 2016 8:29am
hi cant wait to meet you and your fairies it will be lovely to see them at the maltings bet theyre all getting very excited im looking forward to seeing them in real life as im sure you don't get how much work goes into them on internet x

sonja - September 14th, 2016 2:54pm
oh my goodness, they look scrumptious. they're gonna fly off the shelves, good job they have wings.

chris - September 14th, 2016 3:22pm
thank you

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM