February 16th, 2018

Clearing the loft .....

the arrival of a skip meant all systems go

and this young man thought he would help, so the bags to take things up and down became his new chair. I found some great treasures in the loft, these beautiful balls of crochet cotton which belonged to my grandmother. I love to use this cotton as it has a combination of strength and delicateness at the same time. The lovely embroidery cottons in every colour you can imagine came from and old friend when she gave up cross stitching, how lucky was I !  The stuffing fork I found in a bag of material which I have started using ........ is the most fantastic little tool for stuffing arms EVER !.

                                                                                                           A great weekend to all
                                                                                                             lots of love Chris xxx

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Comments (2)

Jill - February 17th, 2018 6:41am
Very handsome helper I must say and how lovely to find such beautiful treasures hope you have a great weekend too

Valerie Jeffery - February 17th, 2018 1:19pm
Didn't realise it was a big skip job! Monty was probably hiding away when that arrived.

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