August 25th, 2017

A little housekeeping .......

to make some room

.........the big question was to take off the sold fairy dolls or leave them so my lovely customers can see what I make OR retire the girls for a well earned rest, the dilemmas of an online shop and never having done this before you just don't know, Ihave made a space as there are quite a few new little ones I would love to share with you (I am very excited) the machine is going at top speed and the stuffing elf has a lot to say, I can tell you. The fabrics and trimmings are coming in thick and fast and Twig studio is very busy,  We have a whole long weekend ahead for sewing and dressing  hurrah !! Below are some of our first collections full of colour and fun.

                                                   love to all and if you have a long weekend or just the normal one have a great time
                                                                                                                            lots of love
                                                                                                                               Chris xxxx

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Comments (1)

Roz Harvey - August 25th, 2017 4:02pm
The girls are looking lovely! It always amazes me how you manage such great hair dos for them. Beautiful dresses too ... awesome colours!

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM